Several people can have access to the AntsRoute interface for the same customer account. You just need to add new users and manage their rights.
Add users
- Click on the blue circle at the top right of the interface.
- Go to the 'Users' tab.
- Click on the button 'Add'.
- Fill in the requested information: email, password, first name (optional), last name (optional), phone number (optional).
- Define the role by choosing among the following options:
- Administrator (who has access to all warehouses/sites/points of sale/agencies) ;
- Warehouse manager (who has access to some warehouses) ;
- Analyst (who has only access to the 'Analyze' module) ;
- Basket manager (who can only add field services/deliveries/pickups/visits and manage them in the basket).
- Click on the button 'Save'.
Note: If you add a site manager, analyst or basket manager, you also have to define the sites concerned. From the drop-down list 'sites/warehouses/agencies/points of sale', select those to which the user can have access.
Note: You can also create 100% custom roles by choosing which features your different users will have access to. To learn more, read this article.