The AntsRoute tool allows you to “manually” schedule work orders on a fixed date. For example, you receive a call from a customer who wants to schedule an appointment. Here are the steps you need to follow:
💡 Here, we assume that your customer is already registered in your AntsRoute customer database. If this is not the case, you will need to start by adding a customer by clicking on “Plan” > “Schedule work orders” > “Add a customer”.
- Go to the “Plan” module.
- Click on the “Schedule work orders” tab.
- Enter the first few letters of your customer's name in the search bar.
- Select your customer from the drop-down list.
- Choose the “Work order to the customer's home” for location of the appointment.
- Select a “Forced driver” (optional).
- Determine the “Duration” of this work order in minutes.
- Add “Comments” (optional).
- Add files (optional).
- Choose the “Plan this work order on” option and select a scheduling date.
- Select up to four availability “Time slots”.
- Click on the “Add” button.
☝️ Good to know: Depending on how your account is set up, you will need to fill in other fields. For example, capacities, custom fields, items, packages, skills and types of service.
☝️ Good to know: If your customer will not be at home on the date of the appointment, you can define a temporary address for “Location of work order”. Alternatively, if you are carrying out operations without visiting your customer's home, such as remote maintenance or remote consultation, you can choose the “Remote work orders” option.
☝️ Good to know: The “From” planning option displays availability over a given period.
☝️ Good to know: The “Define a recurrence” planning option is intended for scheduling regular appointments, i.e. those that recur daily, weekly or monthly. To find out more about this function, see the dedicated article.