Note: If you want to schedule a pickup and delivery operation for a customer who has not been registered in the database, you can click on 'Schedule' > 'Schedule deliveries' > 'Add customer'.
- Go to the 'Schedule' module.
- Click on the tab 'Schedule deliveries'.
- Choose the 'Type' :
- Delivery ;
- Pickup.
- Search the customer for whom you must complete a delivery (or pickup) in 'Delivery location' (or pickup).
- Select the customer in the drop-down list.
- Fill in the 'Delivery (or pickup) details' :
- Duration of delivery ;
- Favorite drivers (optional) ;
- Comments (optional).
- Determine the 'Capacities' to carry (optional).
- Fill in the 'Custom fields' (optional).
- Add 'Files' (optional).
- Search the 'Loading (or unloading) location'.
- Select the loading (or unloading) location in the drop-down list.
- Fill in the 'Loading (or unloading) details' :
- Duration of loading ;
- Time slot of loading ;
- Comments of loading (optional).
- Select the option 'From' and choose the date in 'Planning dates'.
- Select the 'Time slot' of delivery (or pickup) to be respected if necessary.
- Click on the button 'Search availabilities'.
- Select one availabilities.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
Note: The 'Recurrence' option is designed for users who need to schedule pickup and delivery operations which are recurrent on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. To learn more about this feature, read this support article.