Welcome to AntsRoute! Let's start with a quick overview of the main modules available on the interface.
AntsRoute is constantly improving and new features are regularly added. The interface has probably some differences from what you can see in this video, but the navigation remains the same.
1. Scheduling of field service operations
- Add field service operations on fixed dates
- Bucket of field service operations with due date
- Import field service operations
- Management of cancelled field service operations
2. Optimisation of routes
- Agenda of field workers
- Map
- List of routes
- List of field service operations
3. Monitoring of routes in real time
- Map with completed, ongoing and not started routes
- List of on-time and delayed field service operations
4. Statistics and analysis of routes
- Statistics about completed routes
- Route report
- Customer report
- Field service operation report
5. Management of customers
- Add customers
- Import customer database
6. Management of resources
- Capacities and costs of vehicles
- Working hours, skills and costs of field workers
7. Management of account settings
- General settings
- Optimisation settings
- Mobile application settings
- Default values
- Delay time calculation
- Notifications
- Service reports
- Booking site
- Custom fields
- Skills
- Types of service
- Cancel reasons