AntsRoute offers a wide range of integrations. In particular, we have a connector with the Odoo platform.
This integration enables to transfer your delivery orders from Odoo to AntsRoute to optimize your delivery routes. You can find this connector directly in the Odoo apps catalog.
☝️ Good to know: The AntsRoute users who have active pickup & delivery features can also benefit from this integration.
💡 The AntsRoute application is only available on in version 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17.
In order to set up a connection between these two tools, you just have to follow these steps:
- Step 1: Download the AntsRoute module from Odoo account
- Step 2: Add a new warehouse
- Step 3: Add a new shipping method
- Step 4: Add a new quotation
- Step 5: Send the delivery request to AntsRoute
- Step 6: Access delivery state information from Odoo
Step 1: Download the AntsRoute module from Odoo account
💡 The setup of the AntsRoute module requires the Inventory, Invoicing and Sales applications to be installed beforehand.
- Click on the module 'Apps'.
- Search 'AntsRoute' using the search bar.
- Click on the button 'Install'.
Step 2: Add a new warehouse
First, you need to set up your warehouse with the address where the goods are loaded before completing the deliveries.
- Go to the 'Inventory' module.
- Click on the tab 'Configuration'.
- Click on 'Warehouses'.
- Click on the button 'Create'.
- Determine the 'Name' of your warehouse.
- Add the 'Short name' with 5 characters max which is displayed in the lists.
- Determine the 'Address' by clicking on 'Search more' and 'Create' to add a new business or select an already existing one. The address of your warehouse is the same as the one of the company you have selected.
- Determine the 'Default opening hours'.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
💡 It is required to fill in the 'Address' field, as this is the location where the goods are loaded before deliveries are completed.
Step 3: Add a new shipping method
- Go to the 'Inventory' module.
- Click on the tab 'Configuration'.
- Click on the tab 'Shipping method'.
- Click on the button 'Create'.
#1 Set up the shipping method
- Determine the 'Name' of this new shipping method.
- Choose a 'Provider' among the different options.
- Check the box 'Use AntsRoute'.
- For 'Delivery product', select or add the product associated with this shipping method.
💡 You can choose to charge a fixed price, or you can decide to set the price according to the quantity, volume, or weight of the goods carried.
#2 Enter the AntsRoute API key
Retrieve the API key on AntsRoute
- Click on the blue circle at the top right.
- Click on 'Integrations'.
- Click on 'API keys'.
- Click on 'Add'.
- Select the site for which to generate the key.
- Click on the button 'Create'.
- Click on the button 'Copy' and paste the key into a text document.
- Click on the button 'Continue'.
Enter the API key on Odoo
- Click on the tab 'AntsRoute'.
- Paste the API key in the field 'AntsRoute API key'.
#3 Choose the AntsRoute scheduling mode
- Activate or not the pick-up & delivery.
- Select the 'Order destination in AntsRoute' among these two options:
- Organize ;
- Bucket.
💡 The bucket enables to add deliveries with a due date, i.e. the date before which the delivery must be completed. By choosing the bucket, you can choose from your AntsRoute account the date on which the delivery must be done. On the other hand, if you choose 'Organize', you can schedule deliveries with a fixed date directly in the delivery workers' agenda.
#4 Set up the AntsRoute module
- Determine the 'Average loading time at the warehouse' in minutes.
- Determine the 'Average unloading time at customer’s' in minutes.
- Determine the possible 'Delivery days'.
- Determine the 'Warehouse default opening', i.e. the time from which a load can be carried out at the warehouse.
- Determine the 'Warehouse default closing', i.e. the time until which a load can be carried out at the warehouse.
- Determine the 'Customer default delivery start', i.e. the time from which a delivery can be completed at the customer's location.
- Determine the 'Customer default delivery end', i.e. the time until which a delivery can be completed to the customer's location.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
Step 4: Add a new quotation
- Go to the 'Sales' module.
- Click on the tab 'Orders'.
- Click on 'Quotations'.
- Click on the button 'Create'.
#1 Add a new customer
💡 This step is optional. You can select an existing client.
- Enter the name of this new 'Customer'.
- Click on 'Create and edit'.
- Determine the 'Delivery address' (Street, City, Zip, Country).
- Enter the 'Mobile' phone number.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
#2 Add products to deliver
- Click on the tab 'Order lines'.
- Click on 'Add a product'.
#3 Choose the shipping method
- Click on 'Add shipping'.
- Select the shipping method using AntsRoute which was created beforehand.
- Click on the button 'Add'.
- Click on the button 'Confirm'.
Step 5: Send the delivery request to AntsRoute
#1 Create the capacities 'Number' ; 'Weight' and 'Volume' in the AntsRoute account
- Go to the 'Settings' module.
- Click on the tab 'Capacities'.
- Click on the button 'Add'.
- Fill the first capacity:
- Name: Number ;
- Unit: Unit ;
- Validation mode : optional.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Click on the button 'Add' and fill in the second capacity:
- Name: Weight ;
- Unit: Kg ;
- Validation mode: Optional.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Click on the button 'Add' and fill in the third capacity:
- Name: Volume ;
- Unit: m3 ;
- Validation mode: Optional.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
#2 Determine the load capacities of each vehicle
- Go to the 'Resources' module.
- Click on the tab 'Vehicles'.
- Click on '...' and 'Edit'.
- Determine the capacities 'Number', 'Weight' and 'Volume' which can be carried by the vehicle.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Repeat these actions for each vehicle.
#3 Create the custom fields 'Price' ; 'Description' and 'Reference' in the AntsRoute account.
- Go to the 'Settings' module.
- Click on the tab 'Custom fields'.
- Click on 'Delivery' (or work order).
- Click on the button 'Create a category'.
- Determine the 'Name' of this category (e.g. Fields for Odoo).
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Click on the button 'Create a field'.
- Fill in the first custom field:
- Name: Price ;
- Field type: Text type.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Click on the button 'Create a field' and fill in the second custom field:
- Name: Description ;
- Field type : Text type.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
- Click on the button 'Create a field' and fill in the third custom field:
- Name: Reference ;
- Field type: Text type.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
#4 Determine the quantity to deliver
- Click on 'Delivery'.
- Click on 'Edit'.
- Click on the tab 'Operations'.
- Edit the quantity indicated in 'Done' by entering the number of product to deliver.
- Click on the button 'Save'.
#2 Request pickup
- Click on the button 'Request carrier pickup'.
The delivery (and possible associated load) has just been sent to AntsRoute. You just have to go to the tab 'Bucket of field services (or deliveries)' or 'Map' depending on the destination chosen during the second step to view this delivery (and its load).
Information about the fields displayed on AntsRoute:
- The field 'Reference' includes the Odoo quotation number and stock picking.
- The field 'Description' includes the Odoo reference of the product (if no reference has been filled in, the field includes the name of the product).
- The field 'Price' includes the order price.
- The field 'Weight' includes the weight of products to deliver (positive integer).
- The field 'Number' includes the number of products to deliver.
Step 6: Access delivery state information from Odoo
From the Odoo interface, you can display information about the delivery state.
- Click on the tab 'Orders'.
- Click on 'Orders'.
- Click on an order.
- Click on 'Delivery'.
- Click on the tab 'AntsRoute information'.
- Click on the button 'Get delivery information'.
You can view the following information:
- Delivery date ;
- Delivery status ;
- Driver’s name to whom the delivery is assigned ;
- Delivery signature (when the delivery is completed and confirmed from the mobile app.) ;
- Delivery photos (when the delivery is completed and confirmed from the mobile app.) ;
- Delivery comment (when the delivery is completed and confirmed from the mobile app.).
💡 To view the pictures uploaded from the mobile application, you must click on the 'attachment' icon located below the 'Delivery carrier logs' table.
💡 If you cancel a quotation from Odoo, the associated delivery (and pick-up) orders will be definitively cancelled in AntsRoute. You cannot cancel orders assigned in started routes. The driver can do it from the mobile application.
Set the frequency of data synchronization
- Go to the 'Settings' module.
- Click on 'General settings'.
- Click on 'Activate the developer mode'.
- Click on the module 'Settings'.
- Click on the tab 'Technical'.
- Click on 'Scheduled actions'.
- Click on the action 'Antsroute – check delivery info'.
- To change the frequency of data synchronization, you need to click on the button 'Edit' in the top left corner and set 'Execute every … days'.
- Click on the button 'Save'.