A time slot can be selected when a work order is scheduled, either via the AntsRoute web interface or via notifications sent to customers. The time slot corresponds to the time slot during which the company commits to carrying out the work.
These time slots can be wide (for example, 08:00-17:00) or narrow (for example, 16:00-17:00).
The wider the time slot, the better the optimisation results.
Add a time slot
In order to be able to indicate a time slot when planning a work order, you need to create the time slots you want to propose in advance. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to the “Settings” module.
- Click on the “Time slots” tab.
- Click on the “+” button.
- Enter the start and end times for the slot.
- Click on the “Save” button.
💡 If you modify or delete time slots used by work orders already assigned to routes, you will need to restart the optimisation process for the routes concerned.
☝️ Good to know: If there are time slots that are used more often, please place them at the top of the table. When planning a work order, these slots will then be proposed first in the drop-down list.
☝️ Good to know: If you plan your work orders by importing a file, you can create time slots directly when you import the file. To do this, you need to add a “Time slot” column and enter the time slots in the format HH:MM-HH:MM. For example, “08:00-10:30”.
Delete a time slot
If you wish to delete a time slot, follow these steps:
- Go to the “Settings” module.
- Click on the “Time slots” tab.
- Identify a slot and click on “...” > “Delete”.
- Click on the “Confirm” button.