The mobile application enables the field workers to access their daily routes. To download the AntsRoute mobile application, just complete the steps below:
From Play Store (Android)
☝️ Good to know: It is also possible to open the AntsRoute page by clicking here from your smartphone.
- Take the Android smartphone.
- Open Play Store.
- Search the “AntsRoute” application.
- Touch the “Install” button.
From App Store iOS (iPhone & iPad)
☝️ Good to know: It is also possible to open the AntsRoute page by clicking here from your iPhone.
- Take your iPhone.
- Open the App Store.
- Click on “Search” and enter “AntsRoute” in the search bar.
- Select “AntsRoute” from the list of results.
- Touch the button “Get”.
After having downloaded the AntsRoute mobile application, the field workers can log in to the app using the previously defined credentials.
💡 To retrieve the worker's email, read this support article.
💡 To edit the password, read this support article.