To export reports to a PDF file, you must first set up the reports by completing the steps below:
- Go to the “Settings” module.
- Click on the tab “Reports”.
- Click on the button “Add”.
- Determine the “Name”(internal use).
- Click on the AntsRoute icon and select the variables.
- Click on the button “Create”.
💡 The content of the reports can be customised using the following variables:
- Customer name;
- Customer address;
- Customer external id;
- Customer mobile phone;
- Comment;
- Done date and time;
- Scheduled date;
- Done comment;
- Signature;
- Photos;
- Field worker name;
- Field worker signature;
- Vehicle registration number;
- Field service external id;
- Time slot;
- Custom fields linked to the customer file;
- Custom fields linked to the work order;
- Custom fields linked to the validation of a work order;
- Table of items.
☝️ Good to know: After having set up your reports, you can start generating reports in PDF format for the field services completed from the “Analyze” module. To learn more about exporting reports, read this support article.
☝️ Good to know: In addition, when creating your notification templates, you also have the possibility to include a link allowing the customer to download the report of the service. To learn more about the sending of notification after completion of field services with a link to download of the service report, read this support article.
☝️ Good to know: AntsRoute also lets you add this report as an attachment in email-type notifications. To do this, simply add a “Report attached” variable to the end of the email message.